Salome Presenting the Head of the Baptist to Herod(Giovanni Luteri, called Dosso Dossi)
Lazzaroni Collection, Rome circa 1940.
Roberto Longhi Supplement to Officina Ferrarese, 1940; 1956 Edition, p. 157-8; V. Lazareff, ‘ A Dosso Problem’, in Art in America, 1941, p. 132-3; M. G. Trenti, Attivita Giovanile di Dosso, Bologna University Dissertation 1960-61, p. 408; A. Mezzetti, Il Dosso e Battista Ferrarese, 1965, p. 10, cat. no. 97, p. 96, pl. no. 1; Felton Gibbons, Dosso and Battista Dossi, Court Painter at Ferrara, 1968, p. 119, p. 188, cat. no. 40, figs. 16-17; B. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Central and North Italian School, 1968, vol. I, p. 114 as Homeless, pl. 1740; C. Volpe, ‘Una Pala d’Altare del Giovane Dosso’, in Cultura Figurativa Ferrarese tra XV e XVI Secolo, 1982, p. 141, fig. 4.