Allegorical tomb in memory of William Cadogan(Francesco Monti)
Allegorical Tomb in memory of William Cadogan, 1st Earl Cadogan
Allegorical Tomb in memory of Sydney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin
Oil on canvas, each 219 x 141 cm.
Falsely signed and dated 1769 as by Hubert Robert
PROVENANCE: Painted for Owen McSwiny, from whom purchased by 2nd Duke of Richmond, Goodwood, Sussex, 1728. Sold his sale, Christies, 26th March 1814, Lots 40-51 (probably Lot 51).
Claudio Gallo, thence with his estate to the Galleria Scopinich, Milan, 1932.
Galleria Scopinich, Milan, 1932.
Avv. Alfonso Alcidi Boccaci, Milan 1935.
Pietro Accorsi, Turin, 1947.
Private Collection, England.
EXHIBITED: Milan, Galleia Scopinich, Raccolta Successione Claudio Gallo, November 1932;
Bologna Palazzo Comunale, Mostra del Settecento Bolognese, 1935, p. 27.
LITERATURE: O. McSwiny, To the Ladies and Gentlemen of Taste in Great Britain and Ireland, London, n.d., p. 2 (Godolphin).
G. P. Zanotti, Storia dellAccademia Clementina, Bologna, 1739, II, pp. 221-2.
The Notebooks of George Vertue referring to Artists and Collections in England (V), The Walpole Society, XXVI, 1937-8, pp. 149-50 (described as in the dining-room at Goodwood during a visit in 1747).
W. Arslan, Altri due Quadri per il McSwiny, Rivista darte, XV, 1933, pp. 244-8, figs. 1, 3.
G. Zucchini, Paesaggi e rovine nella pittura Bolognese del Settecento, Bologna, 1947, pp. 19, 20, pls. 17, 18.
R. Roli, Taccia per Francesco Monti bolognese, Arte antica e moderna 17, 1962, pp. 90-1.
E. Croft-Murray, Decorative Painting in England 1537-1837, London, 1970, II, pp. 22-4, 241, Nos. 11, 15.
W. G. Constable, Canaletto, 1697-1768, 2nd ed., revised J. G. Links, Oxford, 1976, I, Appendix II, pp. 173-5.
B. Mazza, La Vicenda dei Tombeaux des Princes: Matrici, storia e fortuna della serie Swiny tra Bologna e Venezia, Saggi e memorie di storia dellarte, 10, 1976, pp. 94-5, No. 7.
R. Roli, Pittura Bolognese (1650-1800) dal Signani ai Gandolfi, Bologna, 1977, p. 281, pls. 229a, 229b.
C. Knox, The Tombs of famous Englishmen as described in the letters of McSwiny to the Duke of Richmond, Arte Veneta, XXXVII, 1983, pp. 232-3, Nos. 9, 10.
ENGRAVED: C. N. Cochin in Tombeaux des Princes grand Capitaines et autres Hommes illustres, qui ont fleuri dans la Grande Bretagne vers la fin du XVII et le commencement du XVII Siècle. Gravéz par les plus habiles Maîtres de Paris, daprès les Tableuax et Dessins originaux des plus célèbres Peintres dItalie. Tiréz du Cabinet de Monseigneur le Duc de Richmond, de Lennox et dAubigny
Le tout dirigé et mis au jour, par les soins de Eugene Mac-Swiny, London, 1741, pl. 7 (Godolphin).
J. P. Le Bas and D. M. Fratta.
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