A View of the Bacino di San Marco looking west with the Isola di S. Giorgio and the Dogana(Giovanni Antonio Canal (il Canaletto))
Count Francesco Algarotti, Venice
T J Blakeslee, New York
Mrs E D Vrandeger, 23 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston until 1943
Vose Gallery, Boston
Aquavella Galleries, New York
J M Heimann, 140 West 57th Street, New York, 1944
Arthur Erlanger, New York
Private Collection, New York, by descent
W G Constable, revised J G Links Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal 1697, 1768, 1989, vol. I, p. 154, illus. pl. 33, vol.II, pp. 253-254, no 139 (same number in 1976 edition)
Lionello Puppi, introduction by Pierre Rosenberg, Tout l’oeuvre peint de Canaletto, 1975, no 341A (illust.)
Andre Corboz, Canaletto Una Venezia immaginaria, 1985, vol. I, p.106 and detail illus. fig 109, Vol II, p. 743, pl.465