
Romanticism embodies ‘a new and restless spirit, seeking violently to burst through old and cramping forms, a nervous preoccupation with perpetually changing inner states of consciousness, a longing for the unbounded and the indefinable, for perpetual movement and change, an effort to return to the forgotten sources of life, a passionate effort at self-assertion both individual and collective, a search after means of expressing an unappeasable yearning for unattainable goals.’(Isaiah Berlin). The early period of the Romantic Era was a time of war. There were three generations of Romantic artists. The first emerged in the 1790s and 1800s, the second in the 1820s, and the third later in the century. ‘To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art – that is, intimacy, spirituality, colour, aspiration towards the infinite, expressed by every means available to the arts.’ ( Charles Baudelaire). In consequence historical subjects or portraits were the most favoured subject matter. Baron Gerard, Girodet, Delacroix, Gericault, Chasseriau and Gustave Moreau were all leading artists of this movement which have been sold to international museums by The Matthiesen Gallery.

Portrait of Charles X in Coronation robes

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Portrait of Charles X in Coronation robes
Francis I and the Queen of Navarre

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Francis I and the Queen of Navarre
Figures in the garden of the Villa Doria Pamphili in Rome, with a view of  the old church of San Pancrazio

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Figures in the garden of the Villa Doria Pamphili in Rome, with a view of the old church of San Pancrazio
Charles I  Awaiting Trial with Princess Elizabeth and Prince Henry

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Charles I Awaiting Trial with Princess Elizabeth and Prince Henry
Death of Valentin

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Death of Valentin
Lara Insulted at the Ball

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Lara Insulted at the Ball
Recto: A Brown Horse, Facing Left

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Recto: A Brown Horse, Facing Left
Henrietta Maria Queen of England Pursued by the Army of Cromwell

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Henrietta Maria Queen of England Pursued by the Army of Cromwell
Joan of Arc being interrogated by the Cardinal of Winchester

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Joan of Arc being interrogated by the Cardinal of Winchester
A Scene from Shakespeare's Henry VIII; Cardinal Wolsey and Katherine of Aragon

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
A Scene from Shakespeare's Henry VIII; Cardinal Wolsey and Katherine of Aragon
Birth of Henri IV

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Birth of Henri IV
Portrait de Melle Deveria

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Portrait de Melle Deveria
Queen Theresa of Bavaria (born Princess of Saxe-Hildburghausen)

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Queen Theresa of Bavaria (born Princess of Saxe-Hildburghausen)
D. Juan and the Statute of the Commander

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
D. Juan and the Statute of the Commander
Faustian Fantasy: The Fatal Hour (II)

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Faustian Fantasy: The Fatal Hour (II)
Queen Elizabeth Bidding Farewell To Her Sons

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Queen Elizabeth Bidding Farewell To Her Sons
Rodrigo de Bivar

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Rodrigo de Bivar "El Cid" and his father, Don Diego
Portrait of Jacques Maximilien Benjamin Bins, comte de Saint-Victor

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Portrait of Jacques Maximilien Benjamin Bins, comte de Saint-Victor
François I visiting Benvenuto Cellini at the Castle of Nesle

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
François I visiting Benvenuto Cellini at the Castle of Nesle
A little beggar

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
A little beggar
Mary Queen of Scots

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Mary Queen of Scots
The Generosity of the Duchess of Angoulême

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
The Generosity of the Duchess of Angoulême
François I and La Belle Ferroniere

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
François I and La Belle Ferroniere
Othello and Desdemona (Sketch)

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Othello and Desdemona (Sketch)
Paolo and Francesca

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Paolo and Francesca
Joan of Arc in Prison

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Joan of Arc in Prison
Joan of Arc Kneeling before the Dauphin

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Joan of Arc Kneeling before the Dauphin
Portrait of Colone George de Lacy Evans

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Portrait of Colone George de Lacy Evans
Courtyard of the Castle of Wuflens, near the lake of Geneva

Work available
Historical Period: 1780-1820 Neoclassicism and 1810-1870 Romanticism
Courtyard of the Castle of Wuflens, near the lake of Geneva
Raphael at the Vatican

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Raphael at the Vatican
Raphael at the Vatican (composition sketch)

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Raphael at the Vatican (composition sketch)
Scene from Walter Scott's Quentin Durward

Work available
Historical Period: 1810-1870 Romanticism
Scene from Walter Scott's Quentin Durward